BWRT Introduction

Let me introduce you to the Power of BWRT: A Scientific Approach to Personal Transformation In the ever-evolving landscape of therapeutic practices, one innovative approach stands out for its unique blend of neuroscience and psychological strategies: Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT). Developed by UK psychologist Terence Watts, BWRT is not just another therapy. It represents […]
Understanding Trauma

Its Effects on the Mind, Body, and Spirit Hello and welcome! Today, we’ll be diving into a topic that affects many people: trauma. Trauma can have profound and lasting impacts on the mind, body, and spirit. Understanding these effects is the first step towards healing, and I’ll also be sharing how Brain Working Recursive Therapy […]
Understanding Self-Worth and Self-Esteem: How BWRT Can Help

Self-worth and self-esteem, though often used interchangeably, are fundamentally different concepts. Understanding these distinctions is crucial in fostering a healthier relationship with oneself, and Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) can play a significant role in this journey. Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem Self-worth is the intrinsic value you place on yourself. It’s an unwavering belief in your […]
Smashing Limits: Transform Your Life Today

Hello and welcome! Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed by self-doubt, or unable to move past certain emotional barriers? You’re not alone. Many of us carry around old images and beliefs that shape our experiences and limit our potential. I would like to introduce to you the Smashing Limits programme that offers a way to transform […]
Understanding Self-Identity in the Context of Psychology and Transformation

Understanding Self-Identity in the Context of Psychology and Transformation Hello and welcome! Today, I want to talk to you about a fundamental aspect of our lives: self-identity. This concept is central to our psychological makeup, influencing how we perceive ourselves and interact with the world. Our self-identity encompasses our beliefs, values, memories, and experiences, forming […]