BWRT® Level 1 - General Psychopathology

Brain Working Recursive Therapy® Level 1 deals with issues that you feel happen to you – they can be situations or triggers that create an automatic reaction in you, however with the right understanding you could control them.

If any of these sounds familiar, then you may find BWRT® useful:

  • Do you often ask yourself: Why can’t I stop myself doing this?
  • Do you sometimes feel that you just can’t do the things you would really like to?
  • Do you often limit yourself from getting on with and enjoying your life?
  • Do you give up on things without even trying properly to do them first?
  • Do you fear things when there’s no reason to?
  • Do certain situations trigger uncomfortable feelings, often for no reason at all?
  • Do you sometimes feel intense irrational emotions, or low for no obvious reason?
  • Do you find it hard to get over or move on from something that happened in the past?
  • Do you seem to sabotage yourself from doing and having what you really want?

If you can relate to any of the above questions then BWRT® Level 1 can achieve fantastic results. It is particularly successful for you if your issues are due to an automatic pattern response that you struggle to change, therefore improving your quality of life.

These automatic patterns can come in the form of a thought, or feeling a certain way, a repetition of behaviour which is caused from a past event you are unable to overcome, or something that is stopping you from doing or achieving something you want and desire.

BWRT® can remove or reduce these unwanted patterns of emotional reactions, behaviours, and thoughts that previously had been out of your control without recurrence, or any other measure required.

I have many examples below that BWRT® can achieve positive results, more rapidly than traditional therapy expectations.

Every experience, thought, feeling, and physical sensation triggers thousands of neurons, which forma neural network. When you repeat an experience over and over, the brain learns to trigger the same neurons each time. Repeated behaviour good or bad gets wired into the brain and gets more likely to be triggered again in the future.

BWRT® works with the brains natural processes to make the changes to how you want to think and respond.

Where to start?

I offer an initial free no obligation discovery call via skype/zoom/facetime or phone to discuss your suitability for success with this work. It will also allow me to answer your questions and see if we have a good compatibility for working together.

I will also assess at this point which level of BWRT® is most suitable to meet your individual needs.


• Know what you do not want.
• And know how you would prefer to respond and feel instead.

The Process and your next step Level 1 BWRT® deals with issues that you feel happen to you – they can be situations or triggers that create an automatic reaction in you.

We begin with a double session of 2 hours for a full assessment that forms the foundations for the work required. This creates the map, compass and structure you need to make the changes necessary. We can often clear some issues in only one or two sessions after your initial assessment.

If you relate with this level of work and feel this would be beneficial to you then please feel free to contact me to speak further.

Helping you to make positive and mindful changes in your life so that your past does not have to be your future…


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